Investor Tech & Toys for Deals at Any Stage

We Provide Intelligence to Verify and Validate if a Company or Brand Is Worth Your Time (and More Importantly, Your Money).

We’ve got the goods

Deal-flow tech and intelligence that ups your game at any stage of the deal.

WHAT WE DO & how we do it
  • Identify

    We help identify blue sky investment or acquisition opportunites and present them to you on a platter.

    • Listen to real time trends and tech to understand industry segments, products and trends about to pop
    • Find companies and brands that are gaining meaningful traction and drive engagement
    • Find companies GOOD enough, we’d put our own money in
  • Verify

    We provide intelligence to verify and validate if a company is worth your time (and more importantly, your money).

    • Measure brand sentiment, customer sentiment, competitor analysis, audience size to determine the current health of a business
    • Size the total market share, market opportunity, investment needed for growth to give a thumbs up or thumbs down
    • Map out audience segments and growth locations to identify how to scale both physically or digitally
  • Amplify

    We provide post-purchase go-to-market strategies for new and turnaround businesses to light a fire for growth

    • Use AI to understand millions of data points around a brand, product, competitor and audience to develop marketing strategies
    • Evaluate positioning, branding, marketing tactics and align them with deep understanding of audience segments
    • Develop tactical strategies for turnaround and growth to pour gas on the fire and ensure success for the whole team

Just a
little good
clean fun

We gauge market demand and brand sentiment and crystalize strategies to a core audience.

We help hungry entrepreneurs get their ideas off the ground and help take it to market.

We use AI to navigate volumes of information to connect an ocean of data points.

It’s a good time to get started